Friday 16 July 2010

Öland in my heart

Ohhh I love being here, close to the ground. Near my history, near my heart. Now I am going for a European mini-journey: Berlin, Antwerpen and England. I am doing a ritual to close my recent history to open the door to something new. You see: Over ten years ago, I started travelling in Europe, I have been sitting on many buses whenever my fear of flying has set in. For a long time I have longed to share my impressions with you. I am currently working on recording songs for my pop band Lately la la, but I am also making a story-cd(instrumental) and making a drawing collection. Hopefully these things will see the light during the autumn/winter. Until then I will add to my library of recorded sounds and my drawings to include Europe. And then I will find the artistic ground in Öland again.

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